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3rd meeting of the AEWA Svalbard Pink-footed Goose International Working Group (IWG)

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Thursday, December 10, 2015 to Friday, December 11, 2015
Ghent, Belgium

The IWG convened to hear about current developments regarding the implementation of the International Species Management Plan (ISMP) for the SPfG. There were a number of key objectives for the meeting which were open for discussion within the International Working Group (IWG) and needed agreement on, to ensure the continued successful implementation of the International Species Management Plan (ISMP). These concerned two main areas for which the IWG was expected to agree and provide recommendations on:

1. The AEWA SPfG ISMP strategy for the next 3 year cycle from 2016-2018
1.1. Yearly decision cycle and harvest quotas
1.2. Wounding of geese (termed crippling)
1.3. Non-hunting actions

2. The future structural / organizational requirements for ISMP and its effective implementation, taking in to account:
2.1. Costs and benefits of the SPfG ISMP process
2.2. New modelling requirements / developments for the Adaptive Harvest management (AHM) and monitoring of the population
2.3. Development European Goose Management Platform (EuroGMP)
2.4. Next meeting and selection of next Chair country for the SPfG IWG

For full details of the meeting and the decisions taken and further actions assigned please see the attached meeting report (below) and supporting presentations.

All meeting documents are also available on the AEWA website or contact the Coordination Unit.

3rd International Working Group meeting, Ghent, Belgium. Photo: Eckhart Kuijken
IWG field trip, Flemish East Coast Polders. Photo: Eckhart Kuijken