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2nd meeting of IWG held in Sneek, Netherlands

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The second meeting of the AEWA Svalbard Pink-footed Goose International Working Group (SPfG IWG) took place on the 14th and 15th October 2014 in Sneek, The Netherlands.

The IWG convened to hear about current developments regarding the implementation of the International Species Management Plan (ISMP) for the SPfG. There were also a number of key objectives for the meeting which were open for discussion within the IWG and needed agreement to ensure the continued successful implementation of the ISMP. These concerned two main areas for which the IWG was expected to provide recommendations:

  1. Hunting regulations and practice to ensure the sustainable hunting of pink-footed geese in Norway and Denmark.
  2. Monitoring and reporting of goose-agricultural conflicts to gauge the impact of the ISMP in mitigating these, in relation to the SPfG.

For full details of the meeting and to read the final meeting report please see the meeting pages on this website.

Date added: 09-01-2015

2nd International Working Group meeting, Sneek, Netherlands