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Adaptive Harvest Management: 2014 Progress Summary

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As part of the adaptive harvest management of the Svalbard pink-footed goose an annual review of the 2013-2015 AHM strategy is undertaken and the 2014 Progress Summary Report has now been published.

During the summer of 2013 an optimal harvest strategy for the 3-year period 2013 – 2015 was recommended. The strategy suggested that the appropriate annual harvest quota is 15 thousand. The 2014 report reviews the need for an emergency closure of the hunting season, which is considered not warranted. In addition, the report outlines predictions for the likely timeframe to reach the ISMP agreed population target of 60,000.

For more details please see the Adaptive Harvest Management Report: 2014 Progress Summary.

Date added: 26.08.2014

Pink-footed goose skein