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Setting population targets: research outlining stakeholder perspectives

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A new article has recently been published on PLOSone. It describes and summarises stakeholder perspectives about setting population targets and the implications for waterbird management and population regulation.

The setting of population targets is a much debated subject, particularly when talking about population control. One of the objectives of the International Species Management Plan (ISMP) for the Svalbard pink-footed goose is to stabilise the population. In order to realise this objective it was necessary to set a population target to aim for. This was a new approach for waterbird management in Europe and little was known about setting or gaining agreement on such a population target. To help understand some of the issues and different stakeholder perspectives research was undertaken amongst a number of key decision makers. The article presents the results from this study and it is published on the open-access publication website, PLOSone. A PDF copy is also available in the Publications section.

Date added: 06.12.2013

Pink-footed goose population development and target graph.