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Implementation Meeting of the AEWA International Species Management Plan for the Svalbard Pink-footed Goose

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Saturday, August 4, 2012 to Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

At the invitation of the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management, a meeting was held in Longyearbyen, Svalbard between 4-8 August 2012 to launch the implementation of the International Species Management Plan (ISMP) for the Svalbard population of the Pink-footed Goose. The plan was endorsed at the 5th session of the AEWA Meeting of the Parties in May 2012, in France and is the first of its kind and a unique proposition in European waterbird management. It sets out to collaboratively manage and maintain the population size of this quarry species following the principles of adaptive management.

The meeting was convened to discuss and agree the organizational and procedural requirements needed to implement the ISMP for the Svalbard pink-footed goose in order to achieve its 4 objectives.

I. Maintain a sustainable and stable pink-footed goose population and its range.
II. Keep agricultural conflicts to an acceptable level.
III. Avoid increase in tundra vegetation degradation in the breeding range.
IV. Allow for recreational use that does not jeopardize the population.

For full details of the meeting and the decisions taken and further actions assigned please see the attached meeting report (right).

All meeting documents are also available on the AEWA website or contact the Coordination Unit.

Implementation meeting working group