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Urgent need for international collaboration to manage migratory geese

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An editorial news article has been published in British Birds (BB) which reflects on the consequences of some abundant goose populations and the need for international dialog and collaboration to effectively manage these populations. Some abundant goose populations present considerable challenges to society through their impact on livelihoods, the economy, ecosystem services and threats to human life, as well as affecting other elements of biodiversity.

The article calls for relevant parties to join and be involved in discussions about future goose management. Thereby helping to develop collective agreements and actions for different goose populations, both internationally and nationally, that can safeguarded their future and avoid undesirable outcomes. It further outlines developments under the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) to establish a multispecies goose management platform to address the sustainable use of goose populations and provide for the resolution of human–goose conflicts.

To read this article, in full, please see the British Birds website.

Date added: 26-02-2016

Whooper swans, pink-footed and barnacle geese, Western Jutland. Photo: Kevin Clausen