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‘Geese Beyond Borders’: a new international research initiative

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A new international research initiative has just started with a ‘kick-off’ workshop held on 10-11 February 2014 in Tromsø, Norway.

To further develop international collaboration and coordinate management actions between countries, a Norwegian led research and management project called Adaptive goose management beyond borders (‘Geese Beyond Borders’) has just been started. It will bring together researchers from different disciplines (ecology, social sciences and systems modelling), as well as key stakeholders in both Norway and Denmark.  The project is intended to build knowledge between researchers and stakeholders, helping to develop and improve international collaboration and the management of goose populations at multiple governance levels. For further details please see the ‘Geese Beyond Borders’ project page.

Date added: 20.02.2014

Pink-footed geese in front farm house, North Norway